Monday, 8 December 2008

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Fini Høgstrup Trio "Following" 5/6 Stars

"Danske jazzballader af international styrke, forløst på internationalt niveau"
Those are just some of the praising words in the Gaffa revue that Finis trio receives on their latest recording. The trio, consisting of Fini Høgstrup(p), Kasper Vadsholt(b) and Søren Frost(d) recorded the album during 4 pleasant days in may, but the release has been postponed til now. Recorded Mixed and Mastered by yours truly. 

Stick this one under the christmas tree, you won't regret it.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Monday, 10 November 2008

Thomas Clausen Recording with his SXTET

Pianist and composer Thomas Clausen has been touring the country with his sextet, and great repertoire. With the music spanning the full duration of his writing career it was only natural to record this group. The group consists of some of Denmark's finest Jazz players, and if I may say they are all living up to their reputations. Shots from the session will follow. Mixing is scheduled in the end of December.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Did you get that?

Haha..... It's so sad

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


And they are back... After the shutdown of cbs radio, we have all been in limbo. But now the light shines again.

Hurry up and get you player here!!!!

Monday, 22 September 2008

Giorgio Moroder Promo


I'm blown away... KOTO

Note the "I Love ZYX" sticker

Casio 101 & MT-100


Monday, 26 May 2008

My All Time Favorite

On Friday the 16. I went and saw Blade Runner - Final Cut in the cinema. It has been a dream of mine to see it on the big screen since I first saw it on tv in 94 or 95. And even though it has lost some of it's innocence with the new restored picture and sound, it is still the best cinema experience I have ever had.

Here's an interview with Riddley Scott, where he talks about the original movie and the "new version"

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Aparently we got a hit!

Caroline Hendersons album No.8 is apparently a crowdpleaser among the critics.
Gaffa 5/6
Politiken 5/6
Berlingske 5/6

Monday, 31 March 2008

Caroline Henderson No.8

The lovely Miss Henderson recorded and mixed her new album with yours truly.
Here are some shots from the session and a link to the first reviwe. 5/6

Producer and bass player: Anders Christensen

Drummer Mikkel Hess (Whos picture keeps leaning)

Caroline, Nikolaj "The Champ" Hess & AC

Mikkel & Nikolaj "Numeric Champ" Hess

Mads Hyhne + Lars Wissing + Peter Fuglsang + Butch Lacy(arrangement) = Pure magic

Thursday, 31 January 2008


I'm re posting this video cos it's been viwed a mind blowing 7,383,899 times, and I freaking recorded it.
If I had a dollar for every....
Don't go there *sigh*

Are you a ninja?

Here's how to get started.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Pranksters!!! It's Punk Rock Baby.....

This weeks mix job is danish punk's Prankster. Who just signed with Swedish underground label HepTown Records....

The album, wich was recordet in virtualy no time, needs to be mixed before their upcomming tour in Japan.

"It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll" Bonn Scott

Not much to say except, more 6k in the kick, and turn up the guitars.

The master pulls a prank

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Late night surfing. GARY NUMAN

It's late at night and i'm surfing youtube.

Cathrine Legardh & Dog

It was one of those sessions where you just know it's gonna be a great album. And the pixs speak for them selves


You can't replace it.

The Great G



Monday, 21 January 2008


I just had to post this... Some people have way to much free time!

Don't wake it.....